
CREATIVE Director, Designer, And Illustrator BASED IN Sunny California

pushing the boundaries of Visual storytelling.

Clark partners with founders and startups to create content and help develop impactful brands. He believes that story is everything and all visuals must be in alignment with telling the most compelling story possible. In service of this goal, he creates branding, UX, digital imagery, illustrations, motion graphics/animations and has been commissioned to create artwork for clients such as Patagonia Provisions, Vox, Corsair, The Information, Argo AI, and QuantumScape among others.

The only thing i'm serious about is design.

Ego is necessary to believe in the work I create, but that is where it stops. In every other way, I try to keep it out of the process. I listen and collaborate. There is no one right approach or answer to a particular problem and we're not performing brain surgery, so a healthy amount of fun and irreverence is baked into everything I do.

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(2022) Featured work
Clark Miller Studio
(2022) selected works
(2022) selected works